Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thinking, pondering

I was wondering. Why, when someone dies, do people say, "I loved them." Why not, "I love them"? Do you stop loving someone when they die? I loved my gran when she was alive. I loved her when she died. Its going on 10 months since she died, and I still love her. And in years to come, I'll carry on loving her. I mean, people are inite, sure, but isn't love forever? Then again, what do I know, hey?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm outta my mind and in someone else's home!

Ok, I'm not actually out of my mind, but I'm definately in someone else's home. A friend of my mom's has gone away, (she's gone to Scotland to be with her family) and I'm looking after the ol' homestead while she's away. Which is totally awesome, because it means I don't stay at home and lie around all day! Now I stay at someone else's home and lie around all day^_^ No, but seriously. This place is fantastic, with all the amenities, and while I have to make sure all the skelms know there's someone here (so no one is tempted to break in) and look after to big, heavy-breathing dogs, its a sweet gig! Yay me! I'm gonna have dinner parties, and play games, and whatch TV with friends! (But I'm totally not gonna abuse the privlege. Scout's honour)

Ok. Update complete. Maybe I'll blog again soon. But knowing me, soon is like 3 months, or something ridiculous

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why goddamn it! WHY!?!?!

Goddamn it! ARGH! I had about half an hour's worth of blog, when my system crapped out and delete EVERYTHING!Faaaaaaaaack!
I can't deal with this shit right now. I'll try again when I'm in a better frame of mind.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm back. Now where the heck has I been?

Soooo... Its been, what, 3 months since I last wrote a blog post? Well I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not that interesting even to myself.
Ah, who'm I kidding? I'm facinating! My only flaw is that I'm lazy enough to die from it! (No, that's not my only flaw, but I wanna give you a chance to know me before I scare you off, imaginary blogger friends) I've had plenty of things going on: a friend going to New York to au pair; university closing down for 4 months; working at the pet shop; helping a friend hang curtains in the location; etc.
Firstly, I didn't have access, and when I got it, I didn't have the get-up-and-go. For shame!

But I do solemly swear that now that I have a Black Berry (w00t!) I'll be more ...bloggery. Scout's honour!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 5, or Why this shit isn't funny anymore

well, i know my computer did die an ignomious death, but a friend sort of managed to revive it. yay! the down side is that while it been fixed (sort-of) for the past week, he still hasn't released it to me. boo! i mean, whet the fuck did one do with ones self before the advent of computers? i know, i know, people read books, and had family fun. but my family consists of a mother who comes home from work tired and 2 insane cats. and you can only do some much reading before your brain starts leaking out of your ears! (and i read a lot! A LOT a lot.) *sigh* well, at least i have friends i can harass into letting me use their computers...

well, i guess thats all from me

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 4, or "Life is NOT beautiful"

So, it seems that when it rains, it really does pour. and screw that lemons and lemonade bull. it don't mean shit without sugar, and i got none. so not only does my 2nd bestest person in the whole world curl up toes, student action strikes start up at university. then, as if that weren't enough, my computer protracts more viruses that a 2 bit whore and packs up completely. i've got projects due, people! and reports, and reflective journals! +sigh+ ah well, wheel keeps turning, right? okay, i think that should be the limit of my cliches and metaphors. to be safe, i'll sign off.

peace out, yo

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 3, or Be carefull what you wish for...

You know when you say something as asinine as "I wish i could die"? well, someone did. just felt tired, lay down, and died. That someone was my gran. the best freaking old lady in the whole world. and i don't care what any other freaking person has to say on the subject. you know, it sucks that something so profound can happen to you, but the world still goes on as normal. its like there should be rain, or wailing in the streets, or a public holiday, or something. how can the world not mourn the passing of such a wonderful woman. granted, she was 87, but she was supposed to see me graduate from varsity, see me do something with my life. but she can't and she won't, so... life goes on, whether we know how to or not.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 2, or Sometimes I wanna lie down and die

Have you ever wondered at the people who seem to have chronic foot-in-mouth disease, also known as 'open mouth, insert foot'? we really don't mean to offend, it just happens naturally without our brains having anything to do with it. granted, i'm in the habit of speaking my mind, but sometimes the brain seems to have no input at all. fortunately, i'm blessed with the ability to make new friends. pity i have so much trouble keeping them... oh insecurity, why do you dog me so? ok, thats enough of me ramblings for now.

Day 1, or why does the world hate me?

Well, here it is. a huge step up from my previous habit of intermittenly writing everything down in a nasty, scrappy journal that someone always seems to find... and even write comments in. is it any wonder i feel so targeted? but there's something to be said for spewing out your feelings on the internet. the chances of someone reading your blog and actually konwing who you are, never mind caring enough to taunt you, are like, slim to none. and here comments are actually welcomed! though if i get some serious criticism, i'll probably break-down and cry like the big-girls-blouse i really am. i'm really looking forward to this whole thing. yay for fighting insecurities!