Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm outta my mind and in someone else's home!

Ok, I'm not actually out of my mind, but I'm definately in someone else's home. A friend of my mom's has gone away, (she's gone to Scotland to be with her family) and I'm looking after the ol' homestead while she's away. Which is totally awesome, because it means I don't stay at home and lie around all day! Now I stay at someone else's home and lie around all day^_^ No, but seriously. This place is fantastic, with all the amenities, and while I have to make sure all the skelms know there's someone here (so no one is tempted to break in) and look after to big, heavy-breathing dogs, its a sweet gig! Yay me! I'm gonna have dinner parties, and play games, and whatch TV with friends! (But I'm totally not gonna abuse the privlege. Scout's honour)

Ok. Update complete. Maybe I'll blog again soon. But knowing me, soon is like 3 months, or something ridiculous

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