Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 5, or Why this shit isn't funny anymore

well, i know my computer did die an ignomious death, but a friend sort of managed to revive it. yay! the down side is that while it been fixed (sort-of) for the past week, he still hasn't released it to me. boo! i mean, whet the fuck did one do with ones self before the advent of computers? i know, i know, people read books, and had family fun. but my family consists of a mother who comes home from work tired and 2 insane cats. and you can only do some much reading before your brain starts leaking out of your ears! (and i read a lot! A LOT a lot.) *sigh* well, at least i have friends i can harass into letting me use their computers...

well, i guess thats all from me

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