Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 5, or Why this shit isn't funny anymore

well, i know my computer did die an ignomious death, but a friend sort of managed to revive it. yay! the down side is that while it been fixed (sort-of) for the past week, he still hasn't released it to me. boo! i mean, whet the fuck did one do with ones self before the advent of computers? i know, i know, people read books, and had family fun. but my family consists of a mother who comes home from work tired and 2 insane cats. and you can only do some much reading before your brain starts leaking out of your ears! (and i read a lot! A LOT a lot.) *sigh* well, at least i have friends i can harass into letting me use their computers...

well, i guess thats all from me

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 4, or "Life is NOT beautiful"

So, it seems that when it rains, it really does pour. and screw that lemons and lemonade bull. it don't mean shit without sugar, and i got none. so not only does my 2nd bestest person in the whole world curl up toes, student action strikes start up at university. then, as if that weren't enough, my computer protracts more viruses that a 2 bit whore and packs up completely. i've got projects due, people! and reports, and reflective journals! +sigh+ ah well, wheel keeps turning, right? okay, i think that should be the limit of my cliches and metaphors. to be safe, i'll sign off.

peace out, yo